The Environmental Investigations are part of the Active Learning group of tools. They represent realistic environments in different solutions. They can be designed with VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality) or simply with branching stories, learning tales.
How they work? The Environmental Investigations put the participant in an interactive reality and allow her/him to move through maps and locations; collecting clues and information that will help to solve questions posed along the course. Once the questions are solved, the access to new parts is unlocked (example a new part of a project). In this way, knowledge and skills are tested in a fun and interactive way.
How to choose a relational simulator in the range of the existing ones? An Environmental Investigation must be built for a specific objective.
How to build/adapt a relational simulator to fit to your needs? In simulations, each participant's choice is one of the skills or knowledge that one wants to analyze. In this way, we get a real-time prospect of the capabilities that characterize it. For this reasons the situation is usually created to represent specific realistic case histories.
Who can benefit? This type of solution contains, in a playful and appealing way, a high educational value.